
Buttock Lift with Silicone, Hyaluronic Acid, or Autologous Fat

A buttock lift is a popular aesthetic procedure, as well-shaped buttocks are considered a symbol of femininity and sensuality. Since ancient times, it has been known that Aphrodite was characterized as “callipygian” due to her impressive buttocks.

This procedure is an ideal choice for individuals who wish to eliminate sagging, which can result from aging or excess skin in the area due to weight loss, and cannot be addressed through exercises alone.

A buttock lift improves the shape and size of the buttocks and can be performed in four ways. The first method uses silicone implants (similar to those used for breast augmentation), placed either within the muscle (preferred), under the fascia, or subcutaneously. The second method uses the patient’s own fat, taken from other areas of the body and transferred to the buttocks (micro fat grafting). The aesthetic results are natural, long-lasting, and impressive, providing women with better-fitting clothes and enhanced self-confidence. The third method uses special injectable hyaluronic acid, which may be simpler but has a limited duration (2-3 years) and relatively high cost. The fourth method involves a buttock lift with auto-implants.

It is worth noting that there is an increasing number of men seeking to improve their buttock area, as many suffer from loss of volume in the buttocks – a problem more pronounced in those with a sedentary lifestyle or those who focus on exercising the upper body (like the abdomen and arms) while neglecting the lower part.

Procedure and Results

The surgery lasts about 1-3 hours and is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. Depending on the method chosen, either day hospitalization or an overnight stay in the clinic will be needed. These factors will also determine the cost of the procedure. Sitting is prohibited for the next two weeks, so those undergoing a buttock lift are advised to rest lying on their stomachs. A special corset must also be worn. Return to work occurs in 2-3 weeks, to the gym in 6 weeks, and to extreme activities in 3 months, at which point the sensation of a foreign body will also subside. Recovery after fat grafting is less stringent.

A buttock lift provides full, round, firm, and youthful buttocks, ensuring a more attractive and sensual body profile.