Nipple Inversion Surgery
How Nipple Inversion is Corrected
Nipple inversion is a condition where the nipple, instead of protruding outward from the areola, is sunken into the breast. This problem can occur in both women and men and may affect one or both nipples. The cause can be either congenital or acquired (due to multiple pregnancies, inflammations or injuries, sudden and significant weight loss, etc.). When the problem is congenital, no further investigation into the causes is needed. However, if it occurs suddenly and especially unilaterally, further examination is necessary to rule out malignancy.
The surgery to correct nipple inversion is performed easily and painlessly through a tiny incision that usually does not even require stitches to heal. During the procedure, which Plastic Surgeon in Athens Aris Damagas performs with excellent success rates, the adhesions are detached, and an internal stitch is placed. This stitch is absorbed over the next 2-3 months to maintain a permanent result. Local anesthesia is used, the surgery lasts half an hour, and the patient is discharged the same day (day surgery), with an immediate return to daily activities.
The surgery addresses the functional problems caused by nipple inversion (e.g., inability to breastfeed) and improves the aesthetic appearance of the breast.