
Breast Reduction – Addressing Gigantomastia: Painless Procedure with Natural Results

Breast reduction shapes and lifts sagging and oversized breasts by removing the excess glandular tissue and skin, and repositioning the nipples to the appropriate height.

While a fuller chest may be the dream of many women, for others, achieving a more attractive décolleté involves getting rid of excessively large or disproportionate breasts. The problems caused by large breasts are not only aesthetic but also functional (neck, back, or shoulder pain) and dermatological (irritations in the crease under the breasts). In many cases, the size of their breasts creates clothing limitations, as well as restrictions in their physical activity and daily life.

New Breast Reduction Technique for More Natural Results

As a plastic surgeon and member of the Hellenic Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, I apply a technique for breast reduction that involves making a single vertical incision around the areola, from the 6 o’clock position up to 2 cm above the existing inframammary fold. This avoids the large, unsightly “anchor” scars that were commonly created by older breast reduction techniques. However, the main advantage of this new technique is the more natural and longer-lasting result.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

Breast reduction lasts about 2-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Hospitalization lasts at most one day, and return to work can occur in 2 weeks, while full activity resumes in 3-4 weeks. The scars take their final form in 3-10 months.

Breast Reduction: Cost

The cost depends on the duration of hospitalization – in some cases, part of it is covered by insurance – but breast reduction is worth it for those undergoing it as it improves their daily life.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

Reducing costly chronic medical problems (such as neck and back issues), improving physical activity and daily life, as well as the overall quality of life that breast reduction offers, make it one of the surgeries with the highest levels of postoperative satisfaction.

Breast Reduction: The Result

The duration of breast reduction results varies since – as with breast lift – possible pregnancy, weight changes, and aging may cause new breast sagging.

For more breast reduction photos, click here.