
They said about us

Experiences of plastic surgery patients

Facial Operations


    The 55-year-old S.T. she is delighted with the subtle and natural result of her blepharoplasty: “The blepharoplasty brought out the lost vitality of my gaze, but also the green color of my eyes, which I always admired. What impressed me was the completely natural result, which “connected” immediately with the rest of my facial features.”


The 30-year-old RD, who underwent rhinoplasty, considers that the change in her profile and in general the image of her face was so spectacular that it changed her whole life: “I found my optimism again and my mood changed in relation to past. The confidence I gained through rhinoplasty positively affected my entire life and changed my personal and professional trajectory for the better.”

The 36-year-old A.M., who also underwent rhinoplasty, only regrets the delay in carrying out the operation on his part: “Since I was a child, I wanted to fix my nose, even though it was not deformed. The image I had of my face was good, but not what I would have liked. I thought a thinner nose suited my face. And the rhinoplasty gave me what I always expected, the harmony between my facial features. I wish I had done it earlier and not at the age of 34.”


The 25-year-old T.E., who underwent otoplasty, believes that the operation brought her only benefits: “I now feel so good about the image of my face, that it comes out. I’m not afraid to touch my hair like I used to, and I have more options in accessories and hairstyles.”

Temporary lift

The 50-year-old N.S. she feels lucky with her choice to undergo a temple lift: “It has always been important to me to have a well-groomed face, which is why I was particularly unhappy that his face had recently ended up looking permanently tired and “sad”. I thought the problem would be solved with upper blepharoplasty, which I underwent elsewhere, but unfortunately it got worse. You understood that after all it was the drooping of the eyebrows that burdened my face. I still can’t believe that with such a short and painless operation, the temple lift, and without even needing blepharoplasty, my problem was solved and my eyes were highlighted again, while the overall appearance of my face was also improved. I’m so satisfied and I’m so happy with the result, that I even enjoy the makeup process even more.”

Face lifting

The 59-year-old P.Th. she believes that the facelift she underwent rejuvenated her both externally and internally: “The facelift gave my face a renewed and more youthful appearance, without altering my features or making me look someone else. I feel like I’ve gained ten years and along with the renewal of my face I’ve also regained my lost energy.”

Endoscopic forehead lift

The 40-year-old M.S. believes that the endoscopic forehead lift enabled her, along with erasing the signs of age, to present herself in a better way: “The wrinkles and sagging in the upper third of my face were very distressing to me, because I felt that I was not they were in line with my age, but I didn’t want to proceed with more radical solutions, such as a total facelift, from now on. Fortunately, the endoscopic forehead lift was the most suitable operation for my case and helped me to correct the wear and tear and to be able to project a more positive impression of myself.”

Body Operations


The 39-year-old X.D. he feels that the more masculine appearance, which he obtained with cosmetic surgery to treat gynecomastia, has a positive impact on his feelings and behavior in the context of his relationships: “It was a completely unsightly problem, which forced me to “hide” permanently in Loose clothes. The gynecomastia surgery gave me better shaped and firmer breasts and freed me from all the unpleasant feelings about my body, which also positively affected my relationship with the opposite sex. Now I can express myself more freely and enjoy my most private moments more.”


The 44-year-old F.A., who underwent abdominoplasty after losing a lot of body weight, feels that the operation changed her whole psychology: “The appearance of my belly was so unsightly that it made me avoid even swimming at the beach in the summer months. Tummy tuck was something that not only changed me physically, it changed me psychologically as well. I believe in myself more and I feel more dynamic than ever.”


The 38-year-old E.A. she feels that the liposculpting she underwent harmonized her identity with her body: “With liposculpting I had the opportunity to simultaneously improve all the parts of my body that made me feel bad, namely my stomach and legs. Now I feel more comfortable in my clothes, more beautiful in my body and myself, and most of all I feel that my body, as it is now, represents me better. And just the fact that in a short period of time I solved a problem for the rest of my life makes me feel justified in my decision.”


The 34-year-old A.N. she feels that her brachioplasty “opened the way” for a more active and pleasant everyday life: “The local fat in my arms did not go away and forced me to wear long-sleeved shirts even in the summer. Brachioplasty helped me overcome my insecurity, which prevented me from developing activities and deprived me of many pleasant moments. I even started dance lessons, something I’d wanted to do for a long time but kept putting off because of the way my arms looked.”

Buttock Lift

The lifting of the buttocks “filled” the 35-year-old I.P. with positive feelings: “After some fluctuations in weight, the appearance of my buttocks was also affected, they became too loose. So I was deprived of the possibility to wear the clothes I wanted and I felt extremely uncomfortable not only on the beach but also in my most private moments. The butt lift helped me enjoy every moment of myself again and feel comfortable wearing even the most revealing underwear or swimwear. I feel more beautiful, more spontaneous, more relaxed and happy than ever.”

Breast augmentation

The 29-year-old L.K. she feels that the breast augmentation she underwent liberated her: “My non-existent breasts had come to keep me away from personal contacts. After breast augmentation I feel better about my body and myself and this has made me feel much better about others as well. And of course I gained more comfort than the other sex.”

Breast lift

The 37-year-old B.L. she feels that the breast lift she underwent positively affected many aspects of her life: “After losing the pregnancy pounds, my breasts relaxed and “emptied” completely. Intense discomfort with his image prompted me to opt for breast lift surgery and regain his youthful appearance. The result vindicated me, since my mood was boosted and both my relationship with my husband and my social life improved. Even in matters related to the professional environment, I have regained the confidence and fun I had when I first started.”

Breast reduction

The 33-year-old D.K. is satisfied with the positive results of breast reduction, both in her health and in her daily life: “The excessively large, for my proportions, breast was not only an aesthetic problem, since it had started to cause me functional problems and burdened my waist and my neck. The breast reduction not only helped me to protect my health, but also gave me the opportunity to get back into sports, which I have always loved but had given up in recent years due to the difficulties my breasts were causing me.”

Reconstructive surgery

The 46-year-old D.X., who underwent breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, believes that the operation was decisive for her life: “After a long and difficult time I went through, I felt alive again. The operation helped me regain my self-esteem. Not only has the way I see myself changed, but my life has changed as a whole.”

Total transformation

The 38-year-old K.E. she believes that the experience of total transformation, which she experienced after getting rid of the problem of obesity, created the conditions for a better life: “The aesthetic improvement of my body after losing many kilograms, which was a consequence of a bariatric operation, helped me to find myself again Addressing the sagging in all parts of my body, both in the lower part of it and in the chest and also in my face, has created a spectacular change in my appearance, the results of which I am already experiencing in my quality of life.”